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Marketing advice - why is it necessary?

01 March 2023
To stand out - This is what drives every business today, this is the essence of marketing consultancy. The desire to attract attention is what drives companies' marketing activities, without which the expected success will not happen. There are many ways to stand out and grab attention: some companies advertise their low prices on social media, others use mood videos to convey a brand experience, while others use content marketing to attract the attention of their target group with useful writing. The toolbox is very colourful and rich, and it's easy to miss the mark without experience. Marketing advice can help you find your way and how to get there.

Life in the online marketing world

Competition in the online space is becoming fiercer and fiercer. If a company wants to make a splash, to attract users/customers, it has to go for quality. This is also true for the products on offer and their advertising.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world of marketing has become much more complex and sophisticated with the addition of the digital space. Digital marketing has opened up unprecedented doors that help companies to reach huge crowds with more precise targeting. And when something really hits and takes off online, it can create an amazing level of success in the wake of marketing.

Why is it necessary?

The online world has been terribly merciful, offering unimaginable opportunities for those who want to advertise. But in many cases, the big breakthrough is never achieved. Digital marketing has become a discipline on its own right: you need marketing planning, you need to know how to use the platforms, you need to know the rules and you need to understand that doing a good job requires a lot of experience and a lot of learning. If you don't do this, you can burn a lot of money on the altar of online marketing and your marketing budget can be wiped out in no time.
A marketing advisory can put a stop to unnecessary spending. With the help of a team of experts, a marketing consultant and impulses can help you get your growth off the ground. Marketing advice is therefore justified if
  • you want to achieve your business goals, but are not familiar with the world of marketing,
  • strategising is not your strong suit,
  • you are already doing some marketing, but not very successfully,
  • online marketing is difficult to implement because you don't have the people to implement a marketing plan or the knowledge to design and implement a marketing plan,
  • you want quick results.

The marketing consultant

Marketing consultancy is – unsurprisingly – carried out by a marketing consultant. He is the one who usually represents a team as part of a marketing agency. This team is made up of specialists in a wide range of fields, from website design, graphics, copywriting, PPC advertising to video production.
The role of the marketing consultant is to work with the team and the client to find the best possible solutions.
Many small businesses are afraid of marketing agencies; SMEs think that only really big and wealthy companies can afford this luxury. But in reality, if you are really good at it, marketing can be easily scaled. A client may decide to start out with a medium-activity Facebook marketing campaign, a few Google Ads and a newsletter, but as the results come in, the toolbox can expand. This will be a self-generating process.

Marketing consultancy from A to Z

Marketing consultancy can be complex and comprehensive, or focused on a single area. Let's take a look at what areas it covers!


In most cases, marketing consultancy starts with an audit. This is where the consultancy assesses what is working well in this area and what needs to be improved. Basically, the audit covers the main areas, so it includes the website, social platforms, SEO and other communications.

The consultation will result in a 360-degree audit, which will provide a good basis for determining further directions. It is worth preparing thoroughly, as the dividing wall between success and failure is getting thinner and thinner.


A strategy is a comprehensive marketing plan that considers real needs and opportunities and sets the direction for marketing activities in the coming period. The key information and basics are contained in the marketing strategy, which includes advertising, content marketing and PR strategy.

The marketing strategy is a map that guides the company towards achieving its business objectives. It helps the organisation to succeed in the market, stand out from the competition and capture the attention of its target audience.


Building a website is no longer a big deal. But it's not enough to get a website up and running quickly - every element, every pixel of it has to support sales. That's what knowledge and experience are needed for!
Websites can be very diverse. During the marketing consultancy phase, the agency and the client will consult on a range of possible variations, from the very simple to the bold. They will assess what specific solutions are needed and whether the old website needs to be redesigned or a new one designed.


Online marketing consultancy also covers the field of graphics. Visual presentation is one of the most important tools for creating an impression. This is why branding, sales support materials, web solutions, print materials are all very important.

An online marketing consultancy firm can give you guidance and you can rely on them for the implementation.


Content is king in modern marketing, but only if it really works. Target-specific communication on all platforms is essential. An agency is a great help in finding the right tone and producing the content.

Storytelling is standard in the digital marketing world. People want stories that they can relate to, that they can experience, that evoke some kind of emotion. That requires good content.


The importance of search engine optimisation is undeniable, but few people know how to do it well. An online marketing consultant can offer suggestions for improvement based on what they have seen during an SEO audit, and can offer you a team that can get you on the first page of search engines.
Search engine optimisation is a long-term investment that takes consistent and continuous work to deliver results. But if it is successful, it can generate relevant and valuable traffic. This requires that technical, on-site and off-site SEO is in good hands.


PPC is the strongest card for quick success. A full marketing consultancy will also cover the possibilities of PPC advertising. The consultant's PPC audit provides enough basis to set up media and PPC campaign plans.

However, setting up PPC ads is not enough, they need constant attention to be effective. These fine-tunings contribute to making PPC cost-effective.


Today, the moving image is to the eye as a loaf of bread is to the body. Anything that is on video does better, will have more success and greater impact. An expert eye in online marketing consultancy can make recommendations on what audiovisual marketing strategy is most effective and how it fits in with other strategic elements.
A well-crafted short video, whether it's a few seconds or longer, can position your company while providing an experience, which is the most important thing in 21st century marketing.

The steps of marketing advice

Marketing consultancy can be very diverse. However, there are certain elements that are mandatory in all cases.


The whole process starts with contacting. This is when the client approaches the communication agency with a marketing need. They explain the status quo and outline what they want from the agency.
A useful tip is that the client should prepare and think through a few questions before the marketing consultation. This can be a big step forward and contribute to the efficiency of the process. It is worth thinking about:
  • What is the profile of your business?
  • Where are you now and where do you want to go? What is your mission and vision?
  • Who are you working with?
  • What is the target group?
  • What marketing activities does the company currently carry out? Which of these works well?
  • What kind of online marketing advice is needed? Is it worth specialising or is a complex approach more appropriate?


The online marketing consultant will then assess the company, start gathering information about the organisation, competitors, market and target group. This mapping can be done in several ways, it can be a simple conversation, an interview, filling in a brief, statistics, data and involving the relevant staff.


Once you have the big picture, the consultant will offer you solutions to the problem you have outlined. The client chooses from these based on various considerations. It depends on the agreement whether the process ends here or continues. If it is the latter, the solution is followed by marketing planning, which results in a strategic plan, followed by online marketing implementation and finally evaluation.


The online marketing consultancy market is quite saturated. The lure of the profession has made it fashionable to try and build a career in marketing consultancy. In reality, however, many people are selling their expensive services without having the right expertise.

When choosing the best company, you should consider the following aspects


Every consultant and agency is slightly different. Take a look at the services on offer and you'll easily spot the specialists in your field.


Every sector has its own written and unwritten rules. If someone is skilled in a particular field, they can do a much more professional and smooth job.


A consultancy agency that is good at something will show you who they have worked with. By going through these, you can build up a picture of the company, its profile, what it is really good at.
The aim of marketing consultancy is to put your company on the road to success. Of course there's no one who promises to fill the shelves with orders in one fell swoop. What is certain is that with consistency, expertise and collaboration, the sky is the limit.
Contact us and let's talk! We are at your disposal.