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The meaning and power of conversions: tactics that can boost conversions

2024. 10. 15. 
  author: Monika Torokne Nagy

The meaning of conversion is a fundamental concept in the world of online marketing, as the goal of every business is to convert visitors into real customers. Whatever you do, it is ultimately conversions that will determine your revenue and therefore the growth of your business. This sounds simple in theory but in practice, it is much more complicated. It's a long way from an interested party becoming a customer. How can we help to ensure that valuable conversions abound? In our latest article, we provide you with some tips!

The meaning of conversion

There is much debate around the meaning and concept of conversion. The reason for this is that it depends on the sector, the company, the goal, and what we call a conversion. What is certain is that it is a visitor action that a business wants to achieve and that drives the organisation towards the goal. It could be clicking on an ad, filling in a form, buying a product, or using a service. There are two main types: soft conversion and hard conversion.

One of the most common soft conversions, for example, is lead generation, where visitors enter their details to download an offer or subscribe to a newsletter. In contrast, hard conversion is an action that generates specific and measurable revenue, such as a purchase. While soft conversion focuses more on building relationships and expanding the customer base, hard conversion directly affects the business's financial results.

Why is conversion important for businesses?

The meaning of conversion goes beyond the sheer number of clicks. Conversion optimisation is one of the most complex tasks for businesses, but also the most rewarding. For a company to be successful, it is essential to get the most out of its target audience. 

One of the key drivers for which conversion is key is increasing revenue. When an ad converts effectively, it is reflected in the revenue numbers. Every lead, every click is a potential customer who can contribute to your business goals. Moreover, successful conversion optimisation can improve user experience and increase customer loyalty by meeting visitors' expectations and providing value.

Therefore, defining and optimising conversion is not just a theoretical exercise, but a practical necessity for any business that wants to achieve long-term success in the digital space. But how can you get conversion optimisation right? Here are some proven tips!

How to increase conversions in 2024?

In-depth data analysis is one of the most important steps to increase conversions. Quantitative data provides numerical insights into visitor behaviour, such as how many people click a button or how long they spend on a page. You can access this information through tools such as Google Analytics. In addition, qualitative data provides important context and depth, for example in the form of customer feedback and surveys. This data helps you understand why visitors behave the way they do.

Examining the conversion funnel is also essential. This helps us understand how customers interact with your website and where they get stuck. A well-optimised conversion path reduces the barriers visitors face and makes it easier for them to make a purchase or fill in a form.

How to increase conversions? Here are the tips!

Optimising the text on your website

Write clear and compelling value propositions that grab visitors' attention immediately. SEO optimisation is also key, as the right keywords help to achieve better search engine results, attracting more visitors. It's important to keep the text simple and understandable, as complicated wording can confuse visitors.

Creating a better user experience

Improving navigation and searchability helps visitors find what they are looking for easily. Making the site mobile-friendly is essential as more and more people browse on smartphones and tablets. Increasing site speed is also critical, as slow pages scare visitors away.

Optimising landing pages and calls to action (CTAs)

Landing pages play a key role in conversions, as they are the first point where visitors act. Effective CTAs communicate what the visitor should do, and often use an urgent tone to encourage immediate action. 

Simplify online forms and payment processes

On online forms, keep the number of fields to a minimum, asking only for the most necessary information. Automated solutions, such as pre-filled data, can significantly reduce completion time and the potential for errors. If an error does occur, the forms should indicate what the problem is and how to correct it.

Creating a referral program

Referral programs are incredibly effective in increasing conversions. People are likely to trust a product or service if a friend or acquaintance recommends it. With a well-designed referral program, you can not only acquire new customers but also actively engage your existing customers in the promotion. When a customer enthusiastically recommends your product to others, that's the best marketing you can get. Offering rewards to customers who participate in a referral program, such as discounts or free products, will motivate them to refer even more.

Updating reviews 

Reviews, ratings and testimonials play an essential role in building online credibility. Customers like to know about other people's experiences before deciding. A positive review or an appreciative rating can boost their confidence. It's not enough to collect these reviews once, they need to be constantly updated to stay current and relevant. Use these reviews prominently on your website, and don't forget to showcase any certifications or awards you've won. Such 'proof' will increase the credibility and persuasiveness of your website.

Integrating live chat into your website

Implementing live chat can significantly increase your conversion rate. When customers have questions, the ability to answer them instantly reduces their doubts and speeds up the buying process. The benefit of live chat is that you can help your visitors in real time, solve their problems and answer their concerns. Combining live chat with chatbots allows you to provide non-stop support. Chatbots can efficiently handle simpler questions and tasks, while more complex problems are handed over to human customer service agents. With this hybrid approach, you can always ensure high-quality customer service.

Implementing one-click shopping

Imagine a shopper has the product they want in their shopping cart, but the lengthy checkout process finally makes them change their mind. One-click shopping helps avoid such cases. This simple and quick solution allows shoppers to complete their purchases with just one click. The Amazon example shows how efficient the process can be. Fewer steps in the purchase process reduce the chance of abandonment and increase conversion rates.

Providing more payment options

Not all customers prefer the same payment option. Some prefer credit cards, while others prefer PayPal or other mobile payment options. When multiple payment methods are available, shoppers are more likely to complete the purchase process because they find it more convenient. So, providing payment options is a simple but effective way to increase conversion rates.

Developing cart abandonment strategies

Cart abandonment can be one of the biggest enemies of conversion. Many times, shoppers will abandon their cart for some reason before completing their purchase. In these situations, it's important to use effective cart abandonment strategies. Reminder emails, for example, can play an important role in enticing shoppers back. In addition, you may want to offer various discounts or simply remind them that you have products waiting for them in their shopping cart. Such a strategy increases the chances of customers returning and completing their purchases and improves conversion rates in the long run.

There are therefore many ways to increase conversion rates, but simplifying the shopping process and applying the strategies mentioned can certainly bring significant benefits.

Meraki's team of marketing experts is committed to providing the highest level of conversion optimisation to clients. With our innovative solutions and tailored strategies, you can increase the attractiveness and effectiveness of your website. We make sure that visitors don't just stay interested but become engaged customers. With our extensive experience, we offer customised solutions to maximise your revenue.

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