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How to make your business a success with online marketing tools? A comprehensive guide

2024. 07. 17. 
  author: Monika Torokne Nagy

Imagine your business is on a busy pedestrian street, but you forgot to put anything on the shop window. Many people walk past, but only one or two customers enter, because people have no idea what you do. Well, it's the same in the online space. If you're not present and consciously building your brand, you're missing out on the digital revolution, which is essential for success today. How can you do it well? How can you make a success of your business with online marketing tools? We've put together a comprehensive guide!

Online marketing is no longer a matter of choice. The global pandemic has led to an explosion in e-commerce in recent years, with businesses and consumers alike discovering the benefits of digital in droves. According to the Digital Business 2023 study, 93% of companies are planning or have already implemented a digital-first business strategy. The digital-first approach aims to integrate digital solutions into all aspects of the business model, putting digitalisation at the heart of the strategy.

But how do you go about it from a marketing perspective? How can you use the power of online marketing to make your business a success? This comprehensive guide has been created to take you through the key areas of online marketing, from website design to social media marketing and performance measurement.

In the chapters that follow, we'll share practical advice, tips, and strategies that you can apply to your own business immediately. We'll help you navigate the often chaotic digital world and give you the tools to stand out from the crowd.

So, if you're ready to take your business online to the next level and achieve sustainable results in the long term, join us! Discover how to make your business a success with online marketing!

What is online marketing?

Entering the world of online marketing is like landing on an unknown planet. At first, it all seems new and complicated, but once you understand the basic concepts, you realise that this field has endless possibilities.

Online marketing is the translation of traditional marketing into the digital space. Here, we use banner ads instead of billboards, YouTube videos instead of TV commercials, and emails instead of flyers to attract potential customers.

But while traditional marketing uses one-way communication, online marketing is based on two-way dialogue. Businesses and their target audience can interact directly, whether through social media comments or live chat conversations.

The power of the internet lies in the ability to target ads to the right people at the right time. While a TV ad is seen by everyone, an online ad is only seen by those who are genuinely interested in the product or service.

Online marketing is an exciting adventure where creativity meets strategic thinking. If you can capture the rhythm of the online world, your business can rocket to success.

The digital marketing toolbox is a colourful one, including website marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. Here's a detailed look at each of them and some good advice on how to use them!

The website - the hub of your online presence

A well-designed, professional website inspires confidence in visitors and suggests that your company is trustworthy and competent in its field. Together with its look, tone, and functionality, it communicates your values and uniqueness. 

Website creation steps

The first steps of website creation are planning and design. This is the phase where you dream up the visual world and the feel of the website. It is like the work of an architect who carefully designs every corner of the building.

Then comes the content creation. Text, images, and videos are the building blocks that bring your website to life. Think of them like chapters in a novel: they need to form a coherent, compelling story.

During the technical implementation process, the designs are turned into code and the skeleton of the website is created. This is the job of the programmers, who work meticulously to ensure that the website is stable. Last, but not least, comes the responsive and mobile-friendly design. Nowadays, most people are surfing the web from their phones or tablets, so your website must work smoothly on these devices too.

Key website elements

  • A unique value proposition is like an enticing sign in a shop window. A well-written, clear message that grabs visitors' attention and makes it clear why they should choose your services or products.
  • A clean navigation and user experience ensures that visitors find their way around the website with ease. 
  • Powerful call-to-action buttons are the key elements that encourage visitors to act. "Buy now!", "Register now!" - these calls to action are like the encouragement of a friendly salesperson to help you decide.
  • Trust-building elements such as customer reviews or guarantees are references that prove your brand is trustworthy and reliable. 

You can see that a company website is not just a digital platform, but a powerful tool that connects your business with potential customers. 

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) - Increasing organic visibility

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one of the most effective tools in online marketing that helps your website to rank at the top of search results. SEO is based on using keywords that are relevant to your target audience and related to the content of your website.

SEO can be divided into two main areas: on-page and off-page factors. The on-page factors include the content, structure, and technical features of the website, while the off-page factors are the external links to the website and the online presence of the brand.

Keyword research and competitive analysis

The key to a successful SEO strategy is to identify relevant keywords. To do this, you should conduct thorough keyword research that reveals the search terms used by your target audience. Analysing your competitors' keywords and strategies can help you identify opportunities to stand out from the crowd.

Optimising on-page SEO factors

On-page SEO involves optimising the meta tags and descriptions that appear in search results. Headings and content structure help search engines understand the content of your website, while internal linking improves navigation and page value. Optimisation of images, including the use of file names and alt text, also contributes to better search results.

Off-page SEO and link-building

One of the most important elements of off-page SEO is building a quality backlink profile. Links from other sites to your site indicate to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant. Writing guest articles and professional publications can also increase the number of inbound links and strengthen your brand credibility. Social media and online PR activities can help increase brand awareness and generate traffic.

Paid advertising (PPC) - Instant visibility and traffic

Paid ads, also known as PPC  (pay-per-click) campaigns, are an essential tool in online marketing if you want to generate instant visibility and traffic. The idea behind PPC models is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, so you can cost-effectively reach your target audience.

The most popular PPC platform is Google Ads, the advertising platform of the world's largest search engine. Here you can display your ads based on keywords, so you can reach exactly those who are looking for your product or service. Facebook ads are also a great way to filter your potential customers based on demographics, interests, and behaviours, thanks to detailed targeting options.

The key to a PPC campaign is careful planning and setup. First, you need to define your target audience precisely so that you reach the most relevant people. Next comes choosing relevant keywords and creating attention-grabbing ad copy that makes your offer appealing. Don't forget to optimise your landing pages, as this will have a big impact on your conversion rate.

Planning your advertising budget is also essential for PPC campaigns. Determine how much you will spend on the campaign and divide this amount between different ad groups and keywords. By continuously measuring and fine-tuning performance, you can ensure maximum return on investment.

A/B testing is an effective way to optimise PPC campaigns. Create different ad variations and compare their performance. With conversion measurement, you can track which ads bring the most valuable interactions. Setting negative keywords will filter out irrelevant clicks while fine-tuning bidding strategies will put your ads in the best possible position at the best possible price.

Social media marketing - Link building and brand awareness

In 2024, Facebook will remain the dominant player, but Instagram and TikTok will continue to carve a bigger slice of the social media pie. And the emergence of new platforms and features will continue to shape the playing field.

To develop a winning social media strategy you first need to clarify your goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). Then you need to know the voice and preferences of your target audience so you can create content that resonates with them. In addition to impactful content types and well-planned scheduling, don't forget about competitor analysis!

Building a follower base and increasing engagement is key to a successful social media presence. What do you need?

  • Create relevant, valuable, and entertaining content
  • Use mechanisms that encourage follower engagement
  • Run targeted social media ads 
  • Leverage influencer partnerships

When you combine these strategic elements skillfully, social media becomes a powerful tool for building relationships and increasing brand awareness. So, step into the bustling world of social media!

Email marketing - Personalised communication

With email marketing you can address your target audience in a direct and personalised way, strengthening relationships and increasing business opportunities.

To launch successful email campaigns, you first need a subscriber list. You can expand this with forms on your website, pop-ups, or even by collecting at offline events. Remember, under GDPR you must ensure data protection and voluntary sign-up.

The key to a good email campaign is in the details:

  1. Attention-grabbing, relevant subject line
  2. Personalised targeting and content
  3. Attractive, mobile-friendly design
  4. Clear, call-to-action (CTA) buttons

Automation and lifecycle email campaigns

Automated email campaigns help us send the right message to our customers at the right time. Whether it's a welcome series, cross-selling offers, a reactivation campaign, or abandoned cart reminders, automation is an effective way to build customer relationships and increase revenue.

If you want to reach your audience with personalised, relevant messages and make customer relationship management more efficient with automated solutions, email marketing is the tool for you!

How do you track online marketing effectiveness?

The key to success in the world of online marketing is to constantly monitor and fine-tune your performance. Imagine yourself as a captain steering your business' ship on the digital ocean. To get there, you need reliable navigation tools and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

The first step is to define key performance indicators (KPIs) that will serve as a compass. Monitor website traffic and its sources, as these will indicate how effectively you are attracting visitors. Track conversions and lead generation, which show how many people are showing interest. Don't forget about revenue and return on investment (ROI).

Reliable web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, that produce detailed reports are essential to navigate. Social media analytics will help you understand how you're doing on different platforms, while email marketing stats will show you how effectively you're communicating through online emails.

Constantly test and develop strategies. A/B tests can help you find the most effective tactics, while heatmaps and user behaviour analysis can shed light on how your target audience is moving through the online space. If necessary, fine-tune campaigns to ensure they always run with the best settings. Keep an eye on new trends and opportunities to take advantage of the latest digital trends.

The world of online marketing is waiting for you

The success of online marketing lies in using different channels and tools in a coordinated and complementary way. Your website, social media presence, email campaigns, and content marketing strategy all serve the same goal: to achieve sustainable results in the long term.

It's important to recognise that online marketing is an ever-changing, dynamic field where trends and consumer needs are constantly evolving. To keep up with these changes, continuous learning and development is essential. Be open to new technologies, platforms, and approaches so that you can always reach your target audience most effectively.

If you feel that you need help with online marketing to truly realise its potential, the expert team at Meraki Marketing is here to help. Visit our website and discover how we can help you strengthen your business' digital presence and achieve your goals!



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