Strengthening your employer brand
Employer branding as strategy
Employer branding as a set of opinions
Employer branding as a multichannel experience
The marketing tools of employer branding

No two companies and employer brandings are the same
We will find the soul of your company together, and package it in the most attractive way
It's our job to get jobseekers see your company as the best place to work. No other employer should be considered.
It's also our job to convince people who already work for you that their former choice is the right one. With our help you can engage in activities and communications that will make your recruitment and retention activities exemplary.
We know this is not an easy task. But our approach is built on a blend of curiosity, questioning, experimentation, presenting bold ideas, honesty, and a belief in working together and then rejoicing at the results.
Together we can achieve so much more. From our side, we delegate proven professionals and practices to achieve your employer branding goals, enabling you to achieve your objectives.

The advantages of a strong employer brand
Today, almost no company, large or small, can afford to let the opinions about it be formed spontaneously. For decades, PR departments have been making sure that companies are presented in the best possible light.
The same is true for the employer brand. The digital world, which is always available, easy to access and monitor, also leaves employers' reputations intact. Employers cannot hide, they are also competing in the marketplace as workplaces. Therefore in an age of transparency it is increasingly valuable and important to have effective employer branding.
Employer branding, if done well, will reduce recruitment costs as there will be less turnover. In addition, like product communication, it strongly differentiates the employer from the competition. Last but not least, by listening to and reflecting on employee feedback, you can create a likeable, engaging company culture.

Employer branding done effectively.
Award-winning solutions, dedicated professionals.
2 HRKomm Gold Awards (for internal communication and recruitment), 1 HRKomm Silver Award (for recruitment), 1 HRBEST Gold award (for recruitment).
We are currently building several of our clients‘ employer branding activities.