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How do we effectively reach different age groups?

2025. 01. 31. 
  author: Monika Torokne Nagy

The need for unique, personalised messages is based on the idea that the target audience a business wants to reach is not homogeneous, but heterogeneous, made up of individuals who can be grouped according to different criteria. One is age categorisation, which fundamentally determines our habits and behaviour. And here we have the concept of generational marketing! The segmentation and understanding of generations open new horizons in marketing, allowing us to identify pain points, to better define the preferred style and message. We've summarised what you need to know about the different generations from a marketing perspective - a useful read if you want to better understand your target audience!

The importance of generation segmentation in marketing

The concept of segmenting generations started with the realisation that different generations have grown up in different circumstances, which influences their buying habits, values and media consumption. The theory is attributed to William Strauss and Neil Howe, who published their findings in 1991 in the book Generations. 

The generational divide allows marketers to better understand target groups and deliver tailored messages to them. The fact that different generations respond to advertising and products in different ways is crucial to designing effective campaigns.

Why is it important to understand generational differences in marketing? Because consumer choices are not just about products, but also about the experiences and values that surround them, generational differences play a crucial role. For example, some generations focus on sustainability, while others seek technological innovation. If these differences are not considered, it is easy for your message to miss the right audience.

The benefits of a generational approach to targeting are clear. Rather than thinking in terms of homogeneous groups, it allows us to fine-tune campaigns and reach different generations in the most appropriate channels and formats. This makes marketing strategies more targeted and more likely to have the desired impact.

The generational segmentation

Baby boomers (1946-1964) - How to reach them?

The baby boomer generation was born in an era when the momentum of economic development was shaping everyday life. Today, most are retired or on the margins of the labour market, but their financial stability makes them a prominent consumer group. 

They value personal contact, people-centred communication and reliability. Traditional media - television, print, e-mail - are still effective with this group. Credibility is key: if a brand can prove that it is trustworthy, they can become loyal customers.

Generation X (1965-1980) - Their characteristics and preferences

Generation X grew up at the interface of the digital world and the analogue medium. They are one of the most pragmatic consumer groups, loyal to the tried and tested solutions but open to new technologies. They seek financial and professional stability, as they are often the main earners of the family, while they are also the dominant players in the labour market. 

In marketing, they are most influenced by value-based communication and a commitment to quality. In addition to social media, they still actively monitor email and news portals.

Generation Y (1981-1996) - Their buying habits and motivations

Generation Y, also known as millennials, are consumers who have grown up in the age of digitalisation but still remember a pre-internet world. They are flexible, open to change and often seek a work-life balance. 

For them, brand credibility, sustainability and corporate social responsibility can be key factors in their purchasing decisions. They have a strong online presence, communicate via social media and the influencers' voice carries a lot of weight.

Generation Z (1997-2012) - Engaging digital natives

Generation Z was born entirely in the digital age, so their consumption habits are radically different from previous generations. Visuality, speed and interactivity are key to their appeal. 

TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube - these platforms are their main channels. They don't like messages wrapped in ads, but native content is more easily received. Their purchasing decisions are often influenced by opinion leaders and social proof.

Generation Alpha (post 2010) - The shoppers of the future

The Alpha generation is still children, but the basis of their consumption habits is already taking shape. They are born in the digital age, growing up with smart devices and their media consumption is very different from previous generations. For them, technology is not a tool, it's a necessity. 

In the world of marketing, interactive, gamified content will become dominant, as will the role of artificial intelligence in personalised messaging.

Personalisation and targeting across generations

Generational segmentation is not just a distinction in principle, but a powerful marketing tool. Different life situations, habits and technological affinities determine how to target each age group. The key is personalisation: each generation needs to communicate in its own language.

  • Baby boomers put reliability and quality first. They value longer, more detailed content, authentic stories and personal connections. 
  • Generation X is all about practicality and functionality. They are driven by clear, direct communication and authentic, experience-based value propositions. 
  • Generation Y, the millennials, buy into visual content, experiences and interactive communication built on social media. 
  • Generation Z prefers quick, to-the-point messages delivered in creative, visually appealing formats. 
  • Generation Alpha is the marketing challenge of the future: they will be driven by technology, artificial intelligence and interactivity.

It is also essential to consider generational characteristics when choosing content and marketing channels. Baby boomers are dominated by print, email and television. Generation X is primarily reached through email, websites and professional platforms. Generations Y and Z are turning to Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and dynamic, interactive content. And Generation Alpha is targeted almost exclusively in the digital space, through augmented reality and smart devices.

Generational segmentation is not a rigid categorisation, but a tool to help you develop a more effective and relevant marketing strategy. Brands that understand generational differences can gain a long-term advantage in the market.

The generational segmentation is constantly changing as new age groups enter the scene and existing consumer habits change. Technological advances are accelerating this, as generations growing up in the online space have a very different attitude to brands and content consumption than their predecessors. 

It is not difficult to see that reaching multigenerational audiences effectively is becoming increasingly challenging, as different platform usage and communication styles make it difficult to reach everyone in the same way. This is why AI-based analytics and personalised offers are coming to the fore, as they allow us to offer valuable content to all generations. 

Meraki helps you to effectively analyse your target audience and accurately target potential customers. Contact us and we'll develop a marketing strategy tailored to the needs of the generations!

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