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YouTube advertising

2023. 05. 24. 
  author: Monika Torokne Nagy

Today we consume audiovisual content in all situations, when we are entertained, when we are learning or when we are getting information. YouTube is the world's most popular video-sharing site, attracting millions of people. predicts that by 2028, the number of users in Hungary will be almost 6 million. This popularity also means that a lot of people can be reached through advertising on the platform. What is YouTube advertising and what are the benefits? We have gathered the most important facts!

About YouTube

YouTube, launched in 2005, has been a worldwide phenomenon and one of the most popular video sharing platforms, a platform where users, individuals, institutions and companies can upload, share and watch videos. You can find videos on almost any topic from sports to music to movies. YouTube plays a major role in shaping people's identities today, giving them the opportunity to express themselves, to capture their thoughts in videos, to share their creations with the public and, if they do it well, to make money.

YouTube also offers a wealth of opportunities for businesses. It's a platform that should be included in your marketing strategy, as it's perfect for getting your messages and promotional videos across to your audience. But it should not only be seen as a channel, but also as an advertising solution.

YouTube marketing is nothing more than advertising on the platform. This can take many forms, for example there are promotional videos that spread organically on the platform, there are ads that involve influencers and there are classic paid ads. In the following, we will look at these in more detail. And if you're interested in seeing how Meraki creates punchy videos for their clients, click here!

The benefits of YouTube advertising

There are many advantages for companies to advertise on YouTube. Let's see what the strongest arguments are for YouTube advertising!


YouTube ads can reach many people in a short period of time. This makes it a very effective form of advertising. Its effectiveness is also reflected in the fact that it allows precise targeting. Not to mention the fact that users are particularly fond of video content, much more likely to watch a few minutes of summary than read an article. It is more visual and informative on several fronts.


In principle, social media advertising is not cheap (especially if it is in unsure hands), but with YouTube, in most cases you only pay for views, i.e. when the message reaches the user.


Purchases can be significantly boosted if the user encounters the product or service more than once. YouTube offers the opportunity to create remarketing ads, i.e. to retarget people who have already shown interest in a particular form of advertising.

Types of YouTube ads

Advertisements can take different forms. There are ads that appear as a result of Google Display and Google Shopping campaigns, and there are also video ads created on YouTube. In other words, you can advertise videos on YouTube, but you can also have an ad on the site that was not created on the video sharing platform.

Let's look at the most popular types of YouTube:

Video embedded ads that can be skipped (skippable in-stream ads)

These ads appear before, during or after videos. The ads can be skipped after 5 seconds, but payment is only required if the user has watched at least 30 seconds of the ad.

Non-skippable, in-stream ads embedded in video (non-skippable, in-stream ads)

Just like skippable ads, they can appear before, during or after videos, but they are not skippable. In these cases, the ad cannot be longer than 15 seconds and you pay for the ad only if it is displayed.

Video ads that are placed in the feed between videos (in-feed video ads)

These types of ads appear in related videos or on the search page. They consist of an image and a short text that encourages the user to click. Payment is only required if this happens, i.e. the user clicks. This form is an excellent way to increase awareness and sales.

Short ads (bumper)

A bumper is a 6-second ad that can appear before, during, or after videos and cannot be skipped. It can only be effective if the ad is meaningful and attention-grabbing. It can be perfectly coordinated with other forms of advertising, such as skippable ads.

Banner in the header

The characteristic of masthead ads is that you can reach a large audience in a short period of time. The headline, description and CTA can be edited and shaped according to the marketing goals. In this case, you have to pay YouTube after 1000 views.

Non-embedded ads

This is the so-called out-stream ads, which is a budget-friendly but effective solution. Depending on its form, it can appear in the banner ad or even in the native ad. You have to pay per 1,000 impressions if users watch at least 2 seconds.

Creating an ad

Ads can be set via GoogleAds. The first step is to define the goals. Ads can be created with multiple objectives, for example sales, customer acquisition, website traffic or brand awareness increase. After that, we can determine the type of campaign (for example, increasing the number of conversions), the ad placement and the format.

Advertising on YouTube with Meraki

YouTube ads can function really well if they fit into a well-structured system. Paired with Google Ads, we can create advertising campaigns supported by several sides.

We help you build your company cost-effectively! Click and find out what online advertising solutions we offer.


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