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Website development: how to choose the right partner

2024. 03. 13. 
  author: Monika Torokne Nagy

It's no exaggeration to say that website development is the bridge between businesses and potential customers in the digital era. A well-designed website not only increases brand awareness but also lends credibility, thus facilitating the business acquisition process. In the online space, it is the source of the first impression that can influence visitors' decisions. That's why it makes a difference who you hire to create your website! We have summarised the criteria for choosing a partner!

But what counts as a professional website? - you may ask! First and foremost, a website that immediately attracts the attention of visitors, is easy to navigate and loads quickly. Content that is valuable, informative, and interactive to engage users. A successful website is responsive and works perfectly on all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). And finally, it is optimised for search engines so that as many people as possible can find it.

So, building a website is not a simple task. Designing the ideal website is like creating a work of art, where technology meets creativity. To be successful, you need a professional team that has a deep understanding of these complex processes and considers your business objectives. Let's see the criteria for choosing a professional company for website development!

What do you need to know about web development companies?

When you entrust the task of website development to a professional team, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you need to get a comprehensive picture of the potential partner's reputation and the quality of their work. 

The offer

A well-designed website is not only pleasing to the eye, it also increases brand loyalty and supports the achievement of business objectives. When choosing a website design company, it is worth looking at how detailed and transparent their quotation is, as well as the level of maintenance and support they will provide once the project is complete.

Reputation and references

You can easily check a company's reputation by reading online reviews and ratings. When building a website, it is essential to thoroughly check the portfolio of your prospective partner. Reference projects will not only give you an idea of the industries and level of complexity the company has worked in but also show how they approach web design challenges. It's worth paying attention to details such as how they integrate different technologies and how they implement mobile compatibility.

The team

Website development is not just a creative process, it also requires technical and marketing expertise. To make sure that the partner you choose will handle the project properly, get to know the team. It's important to know who is behind the work, their professional background and experience, and whether they can communicate effectively with us and provide regular updates on the status of the project.

Website development: choosing the right web developer

When choosing a professional company to build your website, there are several factors to consider. These include:

Value for money 

Cost is always a key factor, but it's also worth considering value for money. Remember: the cheapest offer may not be the best. When analysing quotes, consider what you are getting for your money. For example, a significantly higher price may be worth the investment if the package includes SEO optimisation, domain registration, web hosting, and SSL certificate. These services will increase the security and visibility of your company or business website on the internet.

Services and technical support 

A company offering a wide range of services is likely to be better able to meet your specific needs. When assessing technical support, find out whether it is available 24/7, in what form (phone, email, chat), and in what languages. These factors can be vital to the smooth running of a professional website.

Choosing user-friendly content management systems

When choosing content management systems, it is a priority to make them user-friendly. A good system will allow you to easily update content, add new pages and fine-tune SEO settings without the need for coding skills.

Maintenance, updates, and further development opportunities

Look beyond the launch date of the website! Choose a company with future maintenance, upgrades and any further development needs in mind. A good web development partner is open to supporting the growth and evolution of your business website over the long term. Clear agreements should be made to this effect, including for example regular maintenance and security updates.

At Meraki, we believe in strategy-driven website development. We pride ourselves on delivering/providing our clients with well-performing, functionally sound aesthetically pleasing websites. Curious about our previous work? Click to see how we work and what websites we have created!

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