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Conquering the Online Realm: Unveiling the Power of Digital Marketing

2024. 02. 22. 
  author: Monika Torokne Nagy

Digital marketing serves as a readily accessible and highly effective tool for amplifying brand, product, and service awareness in the online space. Encompassing areas like social media marketing, SEO, PPC, email marketing, and content marketing, it's crucial to grasp what matters and how to execute it effectively. Dive into this blog post to discover more!

Understanding Digital Marketing and Its Significance

The essence of digital marketing is that messages reach users through digital channels. Its purpose is to increase awareness and familiarity, just like traditional marketing tools. The difference between the two lies in the technology and the channels used.

Its spread was made possible by the fact that, as a result of the development of technology, digital solutions such as the Internet have become an integral part of our lives. In the past more than 3 decades, this area has undergone enormous changes, new things appear every year that shape and shape the world of digital marketing.

The importance of digital marketing is not in question. According to research, there were 5.3 billion internet users in 2023, which is a huge amount, more than 65% of all humanity. On average, Internet users spend more than 6.5 hours online, which is 16 minutes more than in 2022. While in the 1970s people saw 500-1600 ads per day, today they can see between 4000-10000 ads in a single day. The background of this significant growth is the prominence of digital marketing.

Now, let's explore the tools encompassed by digital marketing!

Digital marketing tools

In practice, digital marketing means online marketing. Let's delve into the most popular tools!

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is a great way to drive traffic and raise awareness. Good, targeted content can reach an amazing number of people, but it needs to be eye-catching, useful and relevant. As high as you can soar, social media can be just as frustrating. Algorithms are constantly changing, which can make reach unpredictable. It's useless to come up with a clever, good post if it only reaches a few people.

Nevertheless, social media has huge potential from a marketing perspective. It has the advantage of being scalable, it can be done well on a small scale, and if you devote a lot of time, energy and money to it, you can bring the stars down from the sky.

It is particularly important to find platforms where the people you want to reach are present in large numbers. Today, there are plenty of choices when it comes to social media, for example Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter and there are always newcomers such as Threads, which has recently become available in this country.


SEO, i.e. search engine optimization, cannot be missing from the arsenal of digital tools, with the help of which we can drive traffic to our website and deliver useful content and texts to the audience. The goal of SEO is to optimize the website and the appearing texts so that they are as high as possible in Google's search results.

Unlike paid advertising, SEO drives organic traffic. This means that if you post a blog post optimized for a relevant keyword, it will drive traffic in the long run, unlike an ad, which is only for the duration of the ad. From an investment point of view, a well-written text can therefore result in a great return.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

PPC, or paid advertising, proves highly effective for swiftly reaching large audiences in a short amount of time. Ideal for startups, new products, campaigns, or events. In PPC ads, we can specify who we want to reach, with what message and how much money we want to spend on it. PPC ads can appear, for example, on social media platforms, Google pages (Google Ads), and Bing.

E-mail marketing

Many people think that e-mail is a marketing tool of the past, but in fact, you can achieve amazing results with the help of email marketing. A basic requirement is to build a suitable e-mail database, for example with the help of promotions and messages encouraging subscription.

It is worth assessing what the audience finds useful, what they want, and based on this, determine the email sending strategy, messages and sending frequency.

Content marketing

Content marketing encompasses various formats like blogs, studies, e-books, podcasts, infographics, videos, and e-learning.

The essence of this kind of marketing activity is to indirectly promote the company. It's not intrusive, it doesn't smell like advertising. It offers content to the target group that is really useful and valuable. With its help, you can instill trust in the brand, gain an expert position, and best of all, you can even start with a smaller budget.

5 tips to make your digital marketing soar

Focus on the fundamentals

If we want to sell a product or service, it is especially important to get to know our target group. This may sound trite and boring, but in fact, the basis of successful marketing is knowing what the people we want to reach think, what their life situation is, and what they like. If we pay a lot of attention to getting to know our customers, we can formulate much more precise messages and our activities can be much more successful.

Make the content good

In the big noise, it is not enough to share a photo with a few lines of text. The content should be expressive, attention-grabbing and uncompromising. Let's not copy, strive for variety, be fresh, consistent and motivate the audience.

Approach from several sides

Let's strive to bring the different platforms to a common denominator. If the activities and messages point in the same direction and reinforce each other, much better results can be achieved.

It is worthwhile to test where what works best, and based on this, modify and plan the next campaigns and steps.

Be mobile friendly

The use of mobile devices is increasing every year, so it is extremely important to take this into account when planning your marketing activities. According to statistics, the number of smartphone users will reach 7.1 billion in 2024. Users check their phones an average of 58 times a day and spend a total of hours on it, Americans for example more than 5 hours a day. So if we don't take care of mobile optimization, we can lose potential customers.

You may be wondering what mobile-friendly content is like! The answer is simple: short, clear, supplemented with visual elements.

Measure the results

A huge advantage of digital marketing is that everything can be measured. We can tell you exactly how many people clicked through to the website from an ad, how much SEO content ranks in the ranking, how many people watched the video, etc. This large amount of data should be chewed through and processed regularly, as a lot of important information may be missing from the analyses.

Digital marketing, while accessible, demands expertise, effort, and teamwork for optimal results. If you're committed to excellence but lack the resources, consider partnering with Meraki for guidance on your journey towards achieving your goals!

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